AcupunctureThe insertion of fine, sterile, single-use needles placed in specific acupuncture points to assist the rebalancing of the body. This encourages the smooth flow of Qi (energy) and reduces pain. This Qi, or vital force, flows through the body along a system of pathways referred to as meridians. Acupuncture treats the whole body, not just the problem area. Regular treatments maintain health and help prevent disease. Most people find these treatments very relaxing.
MoxaMoxa is used to warm acupuncture points and meridians in order to invigorate the flow of Qi, dispel certain pathogenic influences, increase circulation, decrease pain and strengthen the body. Moxa can be used in a number of ways including on the needle, directly on the skin or by using a moxa stick.
CuppingCupping moves the Qi and blood in the body, dispersing stagnation and eliminating pain. Cups are placed along the areas with muscle and tendon tightness. They create suction when applied to the skin to increase circulation and reduce lactic acid. This releases tension in the muscle and fascia, restoring the proper circulation of blood and relieving muscle tension and pain. It is also helpful for recovery from upper respiratory conditions. Cupping can be used in conjunction with acupuncture. Gentle facial cupping is also a part of Facial Enhancement Acupuncture,or a stand alone treatment.
Gua-shaGua-sha Therapy feels similar to a deep tissue massage. This is generally performed on the back, legs, buttocks, neck and arms. A gentler version of Gua-sha may also be used as a facial technique (also included in the Facial Enhancement Acupuncture Treatment). Gua-sha can be used in conjunction with both acupuncture and cupping. The practitioner applies massage oil to your skin, then uses a Gua-sha massage tool to repeatedly massage your skin. This addresses the stagnant energy responsible for inflammation; which is an underlying cause of conditions associated with chronic pain.
Naturopathy"Naturopathy is a system of health care which encourages and promotes the body's natural self-healing mechanisms using an eclectic approach." People visit naturopathic practitioners for various health-related purposes; from a general lack of vitality to the treatment of specific illnesses. The different treatment approaches that may be used include: Dietary and lifestyle changes; stress reduction; herbs and other dietary supplements; homeopathy; manipulative therapies; exercise therapy; practitioner-guided detoxification.
Facial Enhancement AcupunctureFacial Enhancement Acupuncture is a safe, natural and effective alternative to cosmetic surgical procedures. The treatments improve muscle tone and helps to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles; it also reduces sagging jowls and helps to eliminate puffiness. Skin circulation is greatly improved which helps to even out colour tone and tightens the pores. This also benefits conditions such as acne vulgaris and acne rosacea.
Regular treatments are a relaxing way of improving skin quality and increasing a sense of wellbeing. |
Facial TreatmentsGuinot Facial Treatments keep your skin looking clean and healthy, whilst diminishing the effects of the ageing process. I am proud to say that my treatments are more than just facials; clients leave feeling relaxed, grounded and confident about their beauty.
The Guinot products used are sourced from renewable plants, are not tested on animals and are paraben-free. |
Lash and Brow TreatmentsA patch test is required 24hrs prior to the first tinting treatment.
WaxingAll waxing treatments are use Tea-tree Gold Creme Wax. This helps to sooth any skin irritation. Clients also benefit from tea-tree oil's anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibacterial properties.